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Blood Drive at Heyler Realty! - Update!

Blood Drive at Heyler Realty! - Update!
Update: It was a great success! Thank you to everyone who took time out of their busy Friday to come in and donate blood. Here are some pictures of the day!
Join us for our second annual Heyler Blood Drive with UCLA Health! We had such a successful blood drive last year that we brought it back. We would love to see you on Friday, June 23rd between 10 AM and 3 PM here at Heyler Realty. 
🍩 We’ll have donuts! 🍩
🍿 Plus, all eligible donors will receive an AMC movie ticket or a $10 gift card! 🎥 
Your blood donation saves lives! Donating blood takes just one hour of your time, but the impact lasts a lifetime. As you consider donating, remember the reasons WHY:
  • Every day in the United States, blood is needed in hospitals and emergency treatment facilities to care for patients with cancer and other diseases, for organ transplant recipients and to help save the lives of accident and trauma victims.
  • Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
  • More than 38,000 blood donations are needed each day.
  • 62.6% percent of the U.S. population is eligible to give, but only 4.8% of those eligible do. [TRANSFUSION Magazine, 2020;60;206–215]
SIGN UP FOR AN APPOINTMENT or stop by our office!
Friday, June 23rd
between 10 AM and 3 PM
Heyler Realty
10659 West Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, 90064
Please Bring Photo ID! Remember to eat well and increase your fluid intake a couple of days before and after the day of your donation. For any eligibility questions, please visit us at uclahealth.org/gotblood or call 310-825-0888 x2.

Please Bring Photo ID! Remember to eat well and increase your fluid intake a couple of days before and after the day of your donation. For any eligibility questions, please visit us at uclahealth.org/gotblood or call 310-825-0888 x2


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